
ENLTE PLATFORM – A Global Decentralized Blockchain Based Social Network Online.

Internet has become puissant and have been accepted by a growing number of percentage of people. Internet has brought people together and have connected them ecumenical. However, we as physical beings are connected to the world around us. A world which we can physically connect and be physically available to. Internet has connected us virtually but we still lack physical vigilance.Thus we are not vigilant of our circumventions and can not participate in making it preponderant. However internet have provided.
us millions of use cases but we still lack an internet predicated convivial system to receive alerts and updates of nearby happenings predicated on positive or negative. Millions of cases are pending in the court and there is no way to resolve it. A centralised organisation or regime face several issues while handling millions of cases or request from people to resolve their quandary. The process is slow,not decentralised and involve a lot of hassle and energy. Additionally it is infeasible to report anything anonymously and 99% of the people do not want to utilize their identity while reporting anything.
To solve the above problem and to make the system better for the users was the reason the website was created:
Enlte platform is a decentralized blockchain predicated system to solve authentic life quandaries without going through a centralised regime or an organisation. A location predicated gregarious engine engendering an adjustable minute world phenomenon with more expeditious and better networking capabilities.
Enlte platform solves real life problem in our present digital society.The platform make use of strong utility coins called Enlte coins which users can hold as investment. Enlte platform aim to empower individuals by giving them the power to rate any experience utilizing their pristine identities or rating anonymously and then broadcasting it to their nearby network by sending authentic-time updates and geo-stamping it along with geofencing the experience.
Negative experiences are broadcasted in authentic time to the nearby nodes,providing them the opportunity to earn Enlte Coins by availing,spreading vigilance and standing up against it.The main aim is to empower every single individual by engendering a power platform where a utilizer can upload pictures, videos, ask questions to notify and engender a vigorous vigilance in their respective areas.The more one is cognizant about the happenings around him or her, the more one is active and vigilant to take action and make their communities a better and safe place to live.
Please click the link below to read more about Enlte project concept through the company’s whitepaper:
The company planned to release 250,000,000 Enlte coins during the presale to the general investment public. Thus all interested investors of the coins can access them through the company’s website: The presale is scheduled to take off february,2018 and ends on the 29th of the same month. The date of the main ICO is yet to be announced.The token price is set at $0.016 per token with a 100% bonus. Investors can buy Enlte tokens using Bitcoin and ethereum through the following link:
Enlte is not an ERC20 token but has an app wallet in Android you can download in google play store :
The company has allocated and distributed the tokens in the following ways:
  1. General Public: 50%
  2. Enlte Reserved: 20%
  3. Enlte Community: 6%
  4. Enlte Team: 20%
  5. Marketing and Legal: 4%
Funds derived from the presale will be spend in the following ways:
  1. Managing Android App: 15%
  2. Marketing And Development: 10%
3.Legal: 5%
4.Development of 10s AND WEB APP:20%
  1. Web Search Optmisation(Increase Traffic): 15%
  2. In built Exchange Development:10%
  3. Yolo Implementation: 10%
8.Smart City: 10%
  1. Web 10S And Android App maintenence: 5%
10.Misc: 5%
For further Information about the Enlte project and the ICO,please visit the following:
Official Website:
Author by : Tedyz
my eth : 0xD6EFcbA49b001dE6665B07b439099Fce8332c5B3

Nuggets – Creating a ‘Private Cloud’

Nuggets are e-commerce payments and ID platforms. This keeps your personal data and your payments securely blocked, so you do not have to share them with anyone – even Nuggets. With Nuggets, you create a secure ‘private cloud’ of data in zero-knowledge blockchain storage. Nuggets can not even access this data. You decide whether and when you want to share it, and do so on your own terms. Nuggets reinforce people, allowing ‘self-identity’ on a mass scale. And it frees the company from the burden of storing and protecting millions of customer records.

What makes this Nuggets different from other platform identity platforms?
With Nuggets, you can forget about usernames, keywords, and payout interception details across dozens of different accounts.

Once you’re ready in the app, you can use Nuggets to pay, sign in or verify your identity just by using your fingerprint (or other biometrics). And every time you do, you get a Tokens Nuggets, which you can use with any Nuggets partners.

Blockchain technology means you keep control of your information. Nuggets does not share or store your data with anyone, and no one can access it – even Nuggets themselves.

Simple and secure payment: Simply select the Nuggets option, confirm with your fingerprint (or other biometrics), and you’re done. Without having to share your personal information. And if you pay with Tokens Nuggets, you also save money!
No more passwords: This is the same process for logging into your account. No username No password No ‘what is the name of your mother’s childhood cat?’ And if you need to update your details, just do it once – in the Nuggets.

Reward at any time: From the moment you sign up, you get a Tokens Nuggets. Then you can use it to pay merchants on the platform. So you can use Nuggets Tokens obtained from an airline, for example, to help pay for shoes.

No other platform offers this. There are other identity apps. There are other payment apps. No one does both, combined with the highest security of the blockchain and token system that rewards you as you go.
Stop worrying about your personal data. Faced the next big offense.

One account is safe for everyone: login, payment, and verification ID. Never share or store your data with anyone – even Nuggets.

Take control of your data again

Nuggets give someone the power to control their data. Instead of handing over payments and personal information to dozens of different companies, you can choose when and when to share data – and do so on your own terms.

For businesses, this eliminates the burden and risk of trying to manage and secure large data silos. With the atomization of the silo, the Nuggets can remove the biggest challenge facing the company today: cyber security.

Internet Worth

Nuggets put real world value on personal information. Today, we all regularly provide valuable information to dozens of companies, just to use their services. Nuggets Tokens gives a real value to the information, which reflects the enormous value for the company.
The more you use this service, the more Nuggets Tokens you’ll pay for products and services in the Nuggets ecosystem. Crucially, you will get more Tokens if you choose to share your data elements, such as your email address for example. It creates the original “internet value”.

Rules and Privacy

The system dynamically generates and shares the encryption / decryption key. This anonymity provides, combined with zero knowledge storage and privacy networks, lays the foundation for GDPR compliance in blockchain solutions.

Bulk reduced data silos mean lower risk of non-compliance with the upcoming General Public Data Protection (GDPR) and the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 USC §§41-58) (FTC Law).


Nuggets are the key to unlocking the enormous potential of e-commerce – which is explosively growing all over the world. As an agnostic platform, Nuggets will be available on e-commerce platforms and payment gateways.

It can even be used in conjunction with an existing payment platform. Instead of entering an existing payment method, you can choose “Nuggets” as an option. This creates an entirely new, blockchain platform for making simple ecommerce payments – without having to sacrifice control over your personal data.

Good Actor Evidence 

Nuggets verify your identity when you register, in the one-time setup process. It makes you a trusted actor on the network. And every successful transaction you make after that adds to your trust profile.

The transactions are stored transparently, without revealing the content or context, using a privacy framework. Over time, this builds a profile that shows that you are a good actor on the network, and your payment method is great. Retailers must show that they are good actors on the network in the same way.

No more risk assessment and credit check

Currently every payment is rated risky as it passes. But the trust network in the Nuggets (described above), which provides good actor proof for each user, makes this assessment obsolete.
Data storage is corrupted. We can not fix it – we have to replace it. 
The current data storage model, which keeps the organization accountable for an ever-growing database of personal records – is irreparably damaged. Although millions of people spend every year in the cybersecurity market that is mushrooming, the violations continue to grow bigger and more frequent. This damaged model can not be fixed. We need a new model. Nuggets are the model.

Secure, Personal Delivery

Nuggets also allow to enter, order and receive courier delivery, without having to store or share personal information.
You do not need to provide your address: instead, we can send GPS location to courier company. When your package arrives, courier posts your Nuggets app and you confirm your identity with your biometrics.

If you can not receive the delivery directly, you can leave a unique QR code for the driver. They can use it to show that they’ve arrived, and let you know the next step. Or you can use it to give them alternative settings.

Nuggets put the consumer in control. You know exactly where the package is – not just where the courier says it. Everything is transparent, and you can give feedback to suppliers and couriers in a transparent, yet personal way. This is personal person logistics.

Sovereign Self Identity

By placing power over data back into the hands of people (not companies), Nuggets allow “identity” on a mass scale.

No More Passwords

Password is another system that is corrupt. The most popular password is 1234567. And many people keep using the same keywords for everything. How else can they manage dozens, or even hundreds, of different accounts? Passwords are especially vulnerable to social engineering, phishing and malware attacks. They just do not work.

Nuggets only use biometrics to verify your ID. So you can forget all about password – and user name. You can log in, pay or verify your identity securely, privately and through apps, using your biometrics.

Manual Biometric Confirmation

Password manager does not resolve password issues. Currently, refill requests from your web browser can automatically retrieve personal information from the password manager, if you give permission or do not disable the functionality.

Manual confirmation in Nuggets stops this problem. Not only do you require manual confirmation, the confirmation must also be biometric. It effectively introduces a powerful “human air gap” into the security process.

For more information: 

Website | Whitepaper | Token Sale | Linkedin | Twitter | Medium | Facebook | Telegram


COINVEST Cara Terbaik untuk Berinvestasi dalam Cryptocurrencies

APA ITU Coinvest ?


Kompleksitas yang timbul pada pemegang kripto-mata uang sering kali mengarah pada fakta bahwa seseorang keluar dari pasar ini. Seringkali ada masalah, yang terkait dengan minimnya desentralisasi dan demokratisasi transaksi. Itulah sebabnya para pengembang proyek Coinvest melakukan segala upaya untuk mengurangi jumlah ketidaknyamanan semacam itu bagi peserta di pasar mata uang kripto. Platform ini dirancang untuk memastikan bahwa setiap investor, baik itu pemain besar atau individu, dapat bekerja dengan mata kuliah mata uang Crypto tanpa biaya, risiko dan bahaya yang tidak perlu. Untuk tujuan ini, sebuah platform tunggal dibuat, yang berarti menciptakan dompet pribadi untuk setiap peserta, dan ini juga memberi kesempatan untuk membuat indeks kripto-mata uangnya sendiri berkat satu token.

Manfaat yang diterima pengguna dengan menggunakan platform ini sudah jelas. Ini adalah kesempatan untuk menghasilkan keuntungan untuk transaksi dan berpartisipasi dalam program loyalitas, kemampuan mengelola dana indeks, serta keuntungan langsung dari token platform itu sendiri, karena permintaan untuk itu pada akhirnya akan tumbuh. Dan ini akan terjadi dalam kasus apapun, karena komisi rendah, yang tetap, menarik lebih banyak pelanggan yang tidak ingin membayar komisi dengan bunga tinggi. Tentu, popularitas ekosistem akan mengarah pada penskalaannya. Coinvest memungkinkan Anda untuk menukar koin di Encrypted World. Topi tersebut memungkinkan coinvest untuk menjadi platform terpusat pertama yang menyediakan layanan ini ke dunia kriptografi. Secara umum, Coinvest adalah cara baru untuk berinvestasi di suite cipher.

Dalam hal ini, pengguna sebenarnya bisa berinvestasi di criptoasset tanpa pertukaran, dengan beberapa dompet atau pihak ketiga yang terpusat. Coinvest juga memiliki beberapa keuntungan khusus atas dana dan pertukaran mata uang kripto lainnya. Salah satu contohnya adalah tidak ada interaksi dengan pihak ketiga dan tidak ada verifikasi KYC / AML.Coinvest juga memiliki short selling dan fitur hebat lainnya.

Deskripsi dan Tujuan

Coinvest bermaksud untuk menciptakan masa depan dimana pengguna akan memiliki satu platform, satu dompet, dan satu token (COIN), yang memungkinkan seseorang membuat portofolio investasi digital untuk diinvestasikan dalam banyak kriptografi. Hal ini secara signifikan akan mengurangi biaya, risiko, dan kompleksitas yang terkait dengan investasi kripto dalam pertukaran terpusat atau dana investasi.

Konvergensi pihak ketiga yang lebih sering terjadi dalam kasus penggunaan investasi tradisional digantikan oleh kontrak cerdas yang akan bertindak sebagai agen otonom dan secara sistematis mengkompensasi semua pengguna, investor dan pemilik di seluruh ekosistem Coinvest.


Penjualan orang banyak

Token disebut token COIN, dan dibuat khusus untuk penggunaan proyek ini. ETH adalah mata uang yang diterima dalam proyek ini.
Akan ada total 107.000 titer yang beredar. Akan ada bonus besar bagi yang bergabung dulu. Harga awal naik, jadi sebaiknya kamu bergabung lebih awal.
Berbicara tentang harga, untuk 1000 token COIN Anda harus membayar 700 dolar. Lihatlah gambar di bawah ini untuk melihat bagaimana token didistribusikan:

Penjualan orang banyak adalah salah satu cara untuk mendapatkan token, tapi masih banyak lagi. Anda bisa mendapatkan token sendiri dengan mengerjakan kampanye pemasaran seperti kampanye media sosial, berbagai terjemahan dan kampanye tanda tangan.


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Penulis Oleh: Tedyz

LELE (Lite Eco Ledger Elements)

LELE is lite eco ledger elements. Our project are make more trade tools and develop improves features for Telegram user with LELE blockchain.
Lelecoin is made using a combination of SHA256 and Curve 22519 made with its own blockchain. Lelecoin is made with POS system, very sure the coin will develop quickly with the help of ARDOR platform facilities.
LELE is an altcoin such as litecoin, peercoin, and many others. In the world where Bitcoin is king, altcoins only change parameters of the original Bitcoin code such as the hashing mechanism, the time
between blocks, the starting difficulty, and so on. We developed our’s based on NXT source code. LELE develop anything as simple as can be even it’s not a simple coin. https : // 

LELE is Combo 
Proof of Stake and Transparent Forging form are a powerful combination with substantial benefits over all other methods of coin verifying transactions: The system is highly efficient and far less wasteful of resources. There is less incentive for centralised mining. 

Full Pure POS 
LELE is the 100% Proof-of-Stake (PoS) currency. Consensus in a decentralized digital currency like bitcoin is achieved by requiring generated blocks to contain a proof that the node which generated the block solved a computational hard task.
The node chosen to forge a block is random, but the odds of forging a block are proportional to their stake in the network (the number of coins they hold).
The required amount of coins (also called target) is specified by the network through a difficulty adjustment process similar to PoW that ensures an approximate, constant block time. 

Forging (Solo Forging) 
It is elegantly simple, if a wallet has 1 million LELE, then they have 1/1000 of a chance of forging any block and receiving any transaction fees in that block. The math here is 1 million (amount the
client has) divided by 1 billion (total LELE in existence) is 1000, so that is 1/1000 of an chance.
Transparent forging is an ingenious answer to this problem. 
Although the node which forges a block is random in the long term, in the immediate future it is highly predictable. This means the network knows where the next block should be forged. If a node does not forge the block it is expected to (perhaps because it is working to build a fraudulent chain instead), it is excluded from the network for a period of time. 

51% Attack Proof & Security 
LELE utilizes a 100% proof of stake (PoS) mechanism versus the proof of work (PoW) mechanism. This effectively removes a security risk inherent in POW coins, as the issue of a 51% attack and other vulnerabilities inherent to PoW coins become non-issues.
Moreover, Transparent Forging system eliminates not only the chance of a 51 percent attack, but anything up to a 90 percent attack.
LELE nodes has built-in functions to defend against DDOS attacks. All of this is an efficient, fast and elegant way to secure the network. 

Coin Inflation 
Only 300 Million (Maximum – all included Airdrop) will spread to community & public at ICO phase.
The Rest 700 Million will lock-in and only released 0,1% each time the price goes up 10% of the ICO price. 

Earn Coin for Free 

Just hold IGNIS coin at your own wallet, and got Airdrop 1:10, 1 LELE for 10 IGNIS. 

Nama koin: LeleCoin
Coin Symbol: LELE
Total Supply: 1,000.000.000 (1 miliar)
Basis Koin: Ardor (ARDR) Pencatatan
Pengumuman Jepret : 26th 2018
Airdrop Tanggal: 28 Februari 2018
Distribusi Airdrop: Target Target Air Akhir Maret-3rd-3rd 2018 (Maksimum) : IGNIS Holder
Airdrop Rate: 10 IGNIS – 1 LELE 
Total Airdrop: 99,944,969,4 LELE 

Data is More Value 
Personally I have classified BTC into the service work class generate data. BTC is a Ledger, where data is transacted inside The Ledger is the value.
Where usernya satisfied with the level of data security in transactions inside the Ledger. 

ICO from Lite Eco Ledger Elements 

ICO or Crowdsale Although actually more appropriate is crowdsale, because the coins are so.
While the ICO is referring to the state of the coin (blockchain) who have not so usually using tokens (riding on blockchain other coins, eg tokens from: ETH, Waves) as a means of transaction. 

The purpose of ICO 
By joining you in the Eco Ledger Elements Lite project or LELE abbreviated, whether in terms of community, developing / marketing, and financing, will greatly inspired us as Team Dev to further develop functions of the existing blockchain on LELE, so it will be much later usability that can be used and enjoyed together.

Road Map
March – 2017
LELE Project Started
Basic groundwork and launch announcement of LELE.
August – 2017
Finishing LELE Token Project
By forking NXT, LELE was born as token. Click here for details
September – 2017
Pre-ICO Sale
Coin sale for IACTC (Indonesian Alt Coin Trader Community).
November – 2017
ICO Sale
Launching first LELE ICO.
December – 2017
Central Bank Meetup
Meetup with Fintech Director of Indonesian Central Bank. Click here for details
January – 2018
Educational Project
Start our education project for cryptocurrency lover’s.
February – 2018
Mobile Wallet
Lauching Mobile Wallet (Android Wallet).
February – 2018
Digital Signature
Continue Lauch First Digital Signature. Click here for details
February – 2018
Fork Ardor
February 28th 2018 Forking Ardor as based of LELE and snapshot of IGNIS holders.
March – 2018
LELE Airdrops
March 1st to 3rd Airdrop of IGNIS holders, 10 IGNIS get 1 LELE.
March – 2018
Global Markets
Launch of the LELE Global Market Exchange.
April – 2018
Presentation of LELE to city corporations.
April – 2018
Launch IE
Launching LELE internal exchanger.
May – 2018
Lightweight Nodes
Launching lightweight nodes based on ARM devices such as Raspberry Pi.
June – 2018
Student Achievement Gift
Distributing gifts for students based on their achievement.
Continuous development
E-Chain Team
at a glance my explanation about LeleCoin, and want to know more lebuh please click the link below:
Author : Tedyz

Revolutionary Platform for Investing in Cryptocurrencies and ICOs

Hello all in this article I will explain about what is Safinus !!!!!!!!

What is Safinus?

A platform, where newcomers to the crypto market can join the profitable ICO portfolio of crypto and portfolios in just a few clicks. In addition, experienced investors can significantly increase the volume of managed capital, while traders and professional funds can attract new clients on a global scale.

The Safinus component

Check out this video to learn more about the Safinus Platform:

Portfolio Mechanism

Cryptoassets Personal Trust Management

Cryptocurrency and ICO Community Voting System

Before investing portfolio funds into ICOs or specific cryptocurrencies, those assets must pass through the platform portfolio managers. This is only possible if the asset receives the most votes.

Access to Multiple Exchange Through One Interface

The Safinus platform will be integrated with a large exchange of cryptocurrencies through its API. This will allow portfolio managers to gain access to a large number of orders and to close transactions at the most profitable prices.
Other components of the Safinus Platform:
Cryptoexchange internal Rating Portfolio Based on Blockchain-proven Profitability Technical Analysis and Strategy Automation Tool
Safinus’s mission:
To obtain a very profitable investment in kriptoasset is available to a broad audience of new entrants, while enabling professional market participants to significantly increase the number of assets and profits managed.
To obtain a very profitable investment in kriptoasset is available to a broad audience of new entrants, while enabling professional market participants to significantly increase the number of assets and profits managed.
What is SAF Token?
The SAF Token is a utility token that will be used to access the Safinus platform.
Traders and funds need to purchase at least 200 SAF tokens to create a portfolio. After this, the investment portfolio can join the newbie investor.
The more funds from beginner investors are in the portfolio of portfolio managers, the more SAF tokens they must have in their balance. 200 is only the minimum level required to create a basic portfolio.
Launching and Selling SAF Token
Token Name:
Standard Token:
ERC 20
Price of One SAF During ICO:
Hard Cap:
All unsold SAF tokens will be burned after ICO.
What is SAF Token?
SAF Token is based on ERC 20 standard. This is a utility token and will be an irreplaceable part of our Safinus platform.
Our team
Alexey Scherbin
CEO, Co-Founder
Alexey is a serial entrepreneur and founder of online services UserPoint, Contextvisor, and “Trainer-Partner”. Alexey has been in the IT industry for over 15 years. He also leads and manages the execution of various IT projects for companies such as Gazprom and Henkel.
For information please contact the link below….
Nama pengguna BTT:  Tedyz


크레 스 토니 움 은행 KRIPTOCURRENCYY는 언제 어디서나 지불합니다.

내 친구들은 모두 새로운 것과 명확한 토론을하면서 나와 함께 되돌아옵니다.이 경우에 우리는 아래에서 논의 할 aja를 오랫동안 남겨 두는 대신 에 작은 CRESTONIUM에 대해 토론 할  입니다.

누가 궁궐인가?

Crestonium은 제로 비용으로 국제 통화를주고받을 수있는 끊김없는 경험을 제공합니다. cryptocurrency가 모두에게 받아 들여지는 현상이되므로 주류 사용자에게 무제한 사용자를 제공하는 것을 목표로합니다. Crestonium은 저장뿐만 아니라 현대적인 크립토 커 런셜의 중요한 과제 중 하나가 된 실제 쇼핑을 위해 제작되었습니다.

Crestonium은 몇 분의 1 초의 비용과 트랜잭션 속도로 몇 가지 cryptocurrencies 중 하나에 자부심을 가지고 있습니다.

blockchain에 형성되고 미리 정의 된 기준 / 이벤트의 발생시 자동 실행 대상 및 특정 조건의 대상이며, CXS 토큰 무기한 각 소유주의 재산 유효하다. Crestonium 접지는 표준 OpenAPI를 사용하므로 계약서는 모든 지갑과 자동으로 호환되며 다른 계약 또는 거래소에서도이 표준을 사용합니다.

Crestonium은 모바일 응용 프로그램뿐만 아니라 완벽한 데스크톱 응용 프로그램도 제공합니다. Crestonium은 우리의 블록 체인 자산을 일상적인 사용자와 연결합니다. 신용 카드 및 뱅킹 라이센스를 통해 우리는 우리를 실제 세계와 연결하는 블록 체인 생태계의 허브가 될 수 있습니다. 그들은 모든 블록 체인이 연결되어있는 프로토콜을 사용하여 우리에게 0 %의 수수료를 제공 할 수 있습니다. 블록 체인 생태계는 또한 대중의 규모를 확장하고 더 포괄적이되도록 도와줍니다.


보안 문제

약 37 억 명의 사람들이 인터넷에 접속할 수 있으며 약 21 억 명의 사람들이 모바일 장치를 사용하고 있으며 이들 대다수는 전통적인 교환기에 접속할 수 없습니다. Cryptocurrency는 일반적으로 전통적인 통화에 묶여있는 문제를 겪지 않고 국제적으로 사용될 수 있습니다. 결국 그것은 한 나라에서 다른 나라로 돈을 이체하는 데 소비되는 모든 사업이나 개인의 부분에 많은 시간과 돈을 절약합니다. Cryptocurrency는 보편적 인 수준에서 작동하므로 트랜잭션을 매우 쉽게 만듭니다.

쇼핑 배리어

소유권의 cryptocurrency를 사용하기를 꺼리는 이유는 여러 가지 이유 때문일 수 있습니다. 대부분의 사람들은 디지털 통화의 가치가 한계에서 계속 상승 할 것이라고 생각합니다. 이것은 완전히 비합리적인 가정은 아니지만, 투자의 미래 성과에 대해 매우 긍정적 인 방법으로 구워졌습니다.

높은 거래 비용

BitInfoCharts에서 얻은 데이터에 따르면 사람들은 디지털 통화를 사용하여 거래를하는 데 평균 28 달러를 지불합니다. 암호베이스와 같은 암호 교환 사용자의 데이터에 따르면 외부 비트 코인 주소로 돈을 이체하는 경우처럼 거래 수수료가 부과됩니다.



Crestonium은 일상적인 사용자를 위해 사용자 정의되며 cryptocurrency에 강력하고 안전한 환경을 제공합니다. 직접 거래와 즉시 교환은 cerstonium의 특징 중 일부입니다.

저장 및 지출

그들은 저장 암호 화폐에게 많은 암호 화폐를 제공 – BTC, LTC, ETH, BCH, XRP, EOS, XMR, XLM, NEO, ADA, TRX, DASH, XVG, IOT, ZEC, XRB하고 목록이 성장하고 매일 많은 cryptocurrency는 경쟁사보다 허용 가능합니다.


우리는 많은 crypto-currency를 소비 할 수 있고 이전 cryptocurrency를 교환 할 필요가없고 번거 로움없이 즉시 지불 할 수 있습니다. 모두 0 %의 비용. 대부분의 경쟁 업체는 수익을 높이기 위해 일종의 수수료를 부과하지만, 우리 사회는 최우선 순위입니다.

무슨 암호 화폐의 약간의 설명은, 암호 화폐는 은행이나 정부의 소유자가 아닌 모두가 소유 분산 된 디지털 통화이다.



토큰 할당 

결과 기금의 사용자


그들의 국제 팀은 전 세계의 전문가들로 구성되어 유사한 회사들보다 우위에 있습니다. 이러한 전문가들은 진정으로 뛰어난 뛰어난 기술적 첨단 제품을 생산해야합니다.

자세한 내용은 아래 링크를 방문하십시오 :



QUIFAS – Perdagangan uang digital inovatif yang sangat cepat, sangat cepat, sangat beragam digunakan untuk masyarakat umum.

Hasil gambar untuk Quifas

Apa itu QUIFAS?

Quifas adalah perdagangan mata uang digital imajinatif yang dilindungi bekerja untuk masyarakat umum. Sangat mudah untuk menggunakan, sangat mudah beradaptasi, ultra-cepat dan manfaat klien yang luar biasa.


Ketidakstabilan kriptomarket yang tinggi memungkinkan spesialis keuangan dan pedagang untuk menarik manfaat raksasa. Ini menarik arus “pemain” baru. Dengan demikian, jumlah klien pada perdagangan uang kriptografi terus berkembang. Selain itu, kriptoassets baru berkembang setiap saat. Sejak penyajian blockchain, perkembangan mereka ternyata eksponensial.

Karena kenaikan permintaan pertukaran, banyak perdagangan uang digital tidak dilengkapi untuk menjaga volume yang meluas, terutama di tengah waktu puncak. Yang lainnya kehilangan fokus mereka seiring dengan perubahan situasi ekonomi.

Masalah Saat Ini

Dengan mengingat tujuan akhir untuk membuat perdagangan uang digital lainnya sesuai untuk mengambil posisi utama di antara pesaing yang ada, pemeriksaan hati-hati terhadap masalah mereka saat ini dipeluk. Hal ini dapat diungkapkan bahwa untuk semua maksud dan tujuan semua perdagangan uang digital dan klien mereka bekerja terus berlari ke dalam berbagai isu penting. Sebagai spesialis keuangan baru membanjiri pasar, perdagangan saat ini mengalami masalah yang tetap menyadari permintaan yang luar biasa dan sejumlah besar dari mereka menutup jalan menuju spekulan baru. Berikut adalah sebagian dari tantangan utama yang ada dalam perdagangan dan klien mereka hadapi.

Solusi Quifas

Quifas adalah perdagangan uang digital yang inventif, yang akan menghapus isu pasar saat ini. Pengguna akan mendekati antarmuka naluriah di atas panggung, dan staf perdagangan akan memberikan manfaat bantuan yang efektif sehubungan dengan semua pertanyaan. Dukungan akan diberikan dalam dialek yang menguntungkan bagi klien. Penggabungan pengaturan mekanis yang paling mutakhir akan memungkinkan Quifas mengeksekusi hingga 2,5 juta pertukaran untuk setiap detik. Ini akan menjamin bahwa kerangka kerja tersebut akan bekerja dengan batas penuh meskipun di tengah tumpukan tebing. Selain itu, Quifas menjaga keamanan kliennya dan mengambil sebagian besar tindakan penting dengan tujuan akhir tertentu untuk melindungi aset mereka dari pemrogram dan penipu. Sebagian besar ini bergabung dengan yang baru,

Token SALE

  • Nol biaya untuk trading

Zero Trading Fee untuk semua Pembelian dengan QFS Tokens For Life

Token pemegang akan memiliki kapasitas untuk menggunakan Quifas token (QFS) untuk membeli sumber kripto lain, misalnya Ethereal, Bitcoin, Ripple, dan sebagainya pada perdagangan Quifas dengan ZERO TRADING BIAYA UNTUK HIDUP.

  • Saling Menukar Diskon untuk Transaksi Token Non-QFS
Pemegang Token akan memiliki kemampuan untuk membayar biaya bertukar untuk pembelian token non-QFS dengan harga yang luar biasa jika biaya dibayar dengan menggunakan QFS Tokens. Ini harus secara reguler menarik Biaya 0,1% namun jika broker memilih untuk membayar biaya dengan menggunakan token QFS mereka akan mendapatkan potongan harga 60% dari Fee 0,1% di Tahun 1. Dengan cara ini, membayar 40% dari Fee 0,1% dan menghemat 60%.
  • Pilihan Koin Baru Yang Terdaftar
Platform kami berpusat di sekitar melayani kebutuhan populasi secara umum, dengan cara ini pemegang QFS Token akan memiliki suara yang koinnya tercatat dalam perdagangan. Misalnya, setiap hari pertama setiap bulannya, pengguna akan diminta menaruh sentimen mereka pada rundown koin yang perlu dicatat dalam pertukaran. Saran akan dipertimbangkan pada penentuan koin yang akan dicatat dalam perdagangan.

 Penerbitan dan Distribusi Token

50% Token Sale Peserta
20% Pendiri dan Tim
15% Dana Cadangan
10% Malaikat Investor

5% Bounty dan Advisors

Tentang Token

Token nama: QFS
Harga: 0.40 USD
Max Supply: 200.000.000 (Dua Ratus Juta)
Metode Pembayaran: Ethereal (ETH), Bitcoin (BTC)
Kontribusi Minimum: 0,1 ETH / 0.001 BTC
Token Terdistribusi: 30 Mei 2018

Token SALE

Jadwal Pra-ICO: Tanggal Mulai 9 Maret 2018
Lama Penjualan Token: 15 hari, sampai 23 Maret 2018
Soft cap: $ 300k USD, jika tidak sampai semua dana akan dikembalikan
Cap Keras: $ 3 juta USD
Jadwal ICO: Tanggal Mulai 6 April 2018
Lama Penjualan Token 31 hari, sampai 7 Mei 2018
Soft cap $ 3 juta USD, jika tidak sampai semua dana akan dikembalikan
Hard Cap $ 35 juta USD
Penyebaran yang fleksibel: Token yang belum terjual dan tidak terisi akan dibongkar. Bukti token lebih lanjut: Tidak, penerbitan tanda tangan tersendiri dengan menggunakan ICO hanya Setelah mencapai puncak yang sulit, ICO akan segera berakhir.
Info lebih lanjut :
Terima kasih telah membaca artikel saya
Penulis: Tedyz

ODEM.IO – Menghidupkan Pendidikan Tinggi Menggunakan Teknologi Blockchain

Halo sobat icomine, kali ini saya akan berbagi ico token baru yaitu ODEM. Ingin tahu lebih lanjut tentang ODEM? mari simak penjelasan berikut ya…


ODEM merupakan platform komprehensif yang memungkinkan siswa, pendidik, dan pihak donatur dalam bisnis pendidikan untuk berpartisipasi dalam pasar yang sangat tepat waktu dan sederhana. Ini memungkinkan peserta untuk melihat, memilih dan membeli barang dagangan instruksional yang ada dan juga menghasilkan, meminta dan mendiskusikan pengalaman instruksional yang disesuaikan secara pribadi dan online. Tidak seperti pemasok pendidikan online seperti Akademi Coursa dan Khan, platform ODEM berfokus pada pembuatan program pembelajaran antar orang secara real time. Untuk alasan ini, platform ODEM dimaksudkan untuk mengakomodasi tidak hanya pengiriman satu kursus, namun juga terkait dengan layanan dan dilengkapi dengan unit area yang tertutup dalam akomodasi.

ODEM hanya sekedar pasar untuk pendidikan. Melalui kontrak cerdas yang didukung Ethereum, kesepakatan antara mahasiswa dan profesor akan dicapai dengan implikasi perantara yang sekecil apapun. Token utilitas yang dapat diperdagangkan dari platform dapat berfungsi dalam mata uang standar untuk memfasilitasi pembayaran lintas batas dan mendorong dosen untuk mengikuti kursus mereka saat ini dan yang relevan. Impian kita adalah untuk membentuk pendidikan yang paling sederhana di dunia yang dapat diakses oleh semua orang.


ODEM didukung oleh sekelompok program yang dipasang di block Ethereum. pemanfaatan Ethereum dapat menjamin transparansi dan kemudahan pembayaran. Partisipasi dalam platform ODEM bergantung pada pengguna yang memberikan kriteria pra-persetujuan mereka; tidak seperti AirBnB, platform ODEM menyejajarkan beberapa pihak untuk mencapai “kecocokan” yang rumit di mana pun keinginan semua pihak harus sama persis karena mereka membutuhkan komitmen layanan yang berlaku seperti yang akan dilakukan reservasi otomatis penerimaan AirBnB. Fitur keterbatasan penyempurnaan pada tingkat skema adalah kemampuan untuk sekaligus melaporkan keinginan dan pembatasan semua pihak; seperti keberuntungan akan memilikinya, kemajuan teknik belajar dan perbaikan otomatis membuatnya menjadi kelemahan dan hambatan yang dapat diatasi sehingga memungkinkan untuk mengotomatisasi kontrak yang diperlukan untuk memfasilitasi pelaksanaan yang terkoordinasi.

Baik untuk kuliah satu hari atau banyak acara pembinaan selama seminggu yang intensif, platform ODEM menghubungkan siswa dan pendidik dengan penawaran kursus dengan tujuan yang layak di manapun di seluruh dunia. Dan dengan komunitas pengguna yang berkembang, platform ODEM adalah ucapan terima kasih yang sempurna untuk mendapatkan atau menjual kursus pendidikan dan pelatihan disesuaikan di tingkat lintas batas. ODEM disokong oleh sekelompok program yang dipasang di block Ethereum. Penggunaan Ethereum dapat menawarkan transparansi dan pembayaran yang mudah. Pengguna dapat masuk ke platform, memutuskan layanan untuk membeli, dan juga catatan pembelian tersebut dipegang pada blockchain. Fungsi dan aktivitas yang dilakukan sebelum membeli, seperti memilah atau menambahkan program baru ditangani oleh platform off-chain.


Bagian Pra Crowdsale dapat mulai pada tanggal 10 Desember 2017. Dalam penjualan Pre-token, 58.200.000 ODEMT dikeluarkan pada tingkat harga sebesar € 0,0375. ODEMT ini dikeluarkan dengan bonus 25%. Mohon dicatat bahwa token bonus hanya dapat diakses setelah menyelesaikan even penjualan dan token generasi even telah rampung. Ada permintaan pembelian minimal 200.000 ODEMT, per pengguna, di bagian Pre-token sales.Penjualan token utama dapat dimulai secara tentatif pada tanggal 17 Februari 2018 dan dapat berlanjut sampai tanggal 19 Maret 2018. Sebanyak 180 juta ODEMT diterbitkan selama penjualan ini. Bukti dikeluarkan pada harga sekitar € 0,05. Mengingat fakta sebenarnya bahwa platform ODEM hanya akan tampil optimal jika unit area token kosmopolitan, pengguna diperbolehkan membeli hampir 250.000 ODEMT sepanjang jam utama penjualan paling banyak. Setelah itu, target penjualan paling banyak 250.000 ODEMT dinaikkan.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan kunjungi Website Official :

Whitepaper :

Bitcointalk Profile :;u=1204219

EQUITYBASE – Kekuatan Real Estat Exchange yang Terdesentralisasi oleh blockchain

Hasil gambar untuk EQUITYBASE
Real Estate Holdings secara historis dianggap sebagai cara terbaik untuk melestarikan kekayaan dan lindung nilai terhadap fluktuasi pasar saham. Saat ini, Real Estate Investments menyajikan inefisiensi dan likuiditas yang signifikan. Equitybase menerapkan teknologi kontrak blockchain dan smart kepada dunia investasi Real Estat dan kepemilikan untuk memecahkan masalah ini. BASE adalah ekosistem Smart-Contract Ethereal yang berfokus pada pembuatan platform untuk investasi Real Estat. Dengan, menghilangkan biaya bervariasi karena perantara yang tidak perlu, memberikan likuiditas dan transparansi dalam penetapan harga seiring dengan mengurangi transaksi lintas batas di bawah platform utama.
Real Estate adalah kelas aset terbesar di dunia dan juga tidak likuid. Platform Equitybase akan menawarkan transparan, non-waktu menahan dan solusi cair untuk berinvestasi dan perdagangan properti real estat di seluruh dunia pada sistem desentralisasi kami. Kepemilikan terpakai akan menyederhanakan setiap aspek investasi properti, transfer kepemilikan sebagian / penuh dan pembelian / penjualan hutang.
Kami menggunakan token crowdsale yang menawarkan untuk meningkatkan pengembangan platform dan secondary reserve pool kami, platform kami akan menjadi sistem blokir kontrak aman dan tamperproof smart card yang memungkinkan kami untuk membeli, bertransaksi dan melikuidasi dengan proses yang efisien dan efektif.
The whitepaper akan menjelaskan prinsip-prinsip platform Equitybase dan nilai ekonomis dari sebuah “BASE” token kepada kontributornya.

Secara historis, real estat telah terbukti menjadi salah satu investasi berkinerja terbaik. Sebagai pengembang real estat, kami menghabiskan karir awal kami untuk membangun dan memiliki properti real estat komersial.
Namun, terlalu sering bagian dari keuntungan dari proyek berakhir di kantong mitra investasi institusional kami, yang pada kenyataannya bertindak sebagai perantara yang berdiri di antara kita dan orang-orang aktual yang uangnya diinvestasikan.

Apa itu Equitybase?
equitybase adalah ekosistem real estat komersial end-to-end untuk penilaian proyek, penilaian kredit, kejadian likuiditas sepenuhnya pada blockchain. equitybase memungkinkan pengembang dan manajer dana untuk menawarkan peluang investasi yang didukung aset kepada investor di seluruh dunia.
Hasil gambar untuk EQUITYBASE
Equitybase memiliki solusi sederhana: berinvestasi pada investasi real estat, dengan likuiditas saham dan pendapatan dari investasi ekuitas pribadi dikombinasikan dengan tidak ada periode lock-in dan tidak ada perantara. Derajat kekayaan akan menawarkan platform investasi real estat yang beragam yang tersedia secara online kepada siapa saja. on line. Kami membuat proses investasi di real estat komersial dengan kualitas terbaik dari seluruh dunia yang sederhana, efisien, transparan dan dapat cair sepenuhnya.
Hasil gambar untuk EQUITYBASE
Model investasi saat ini tidak efektif
Likuiditas Pasar Swasta
Investasi ekuitas memiliki periode lock-in yang panjang mulai dari 3-10 tahun
Aksesibilitas Pendanaan
Pengembang akan tersedia untuk mendapatkan pendanaan di dalam negeri
Biaya Kredit
Tingkat bunga akan bervariasi menurut wilayah dan ekuitas pengembang akan menjadi substansial
Barrier of Entry
Investasi komersial membutuhkan jumlah yang besar untuk memulai
Tingkat Pengembalian Rendah
Pasar saham selama 10 tahun terakhir memiliki rata-rata 7% return per tahun
Biaya Manajemen Tinggi
Biaya pengelolaan ekuitas swasta berkisar antara 2-4% per tahun
Platform Investasi Pasar Hybrid Equitybase
Akses di seluruh dunia
Pengembang di seluruh dunia dapat mempromosikan proyek mereka di platform Investigasi Ekuitas dan meningkatkan modal yang cukup dengan mudah
Tidak ada investasi minimum
Investor dapat menginvestasikan sejumlah pilihan mereka tanpa batasan investasi minimum
Sistem Penilaian Kredit
Investor dapat melacak kinerja dan rekam jejak pengembang
Investasi Cair
Platform Pertukaran Ekuitas kami menawarkan fleksibilitas bagi investor untuk melikuidasi kepemilikan aset mereka atas investasi apa pun
Investasi Nol Investasi
Pemegang token token akan dapat memanfaatkan platform tersebut tanpa menimbulkan biaya sembari mendapatkan dividen pada Equity Fund
Dividen dan Return Target
Commercial Real Estate Investment menawarkan salah satu keuntungan tertinggi dan dividen pada setiap kelas aset di seluruh dunia

Equitybase Ecosystem 
Equitybase Platform menyediakan keseluruhan ekosistem investasi dari dividen, investasi, likuidasi dan pertukaran. 

Equity Reserve
Equity Reserve akan memberikan lapisan tambahan likuiditas ke platform Equity Exchange, maka akan digunakan sebagai kolam cadangan untuk terus memungkinkan platform pengguna untuk melikuidasi kepemilikan mereka dengan pembelian kembali yang terjamin di bursa.

Equity Invest
Equity Invest memungkinkan pengembang dan manajer dana untuk memperbarui status proyek, mengucurkan dana, bersama dengan interaksi langsung dengan investor.
Investor akan dapat melacak pendapatan, sponsor dan peringkat kredit proyek, riwayat pembayaran, menarik dividen dan keuntungan.

Bursa Efek
Equity Exchange memungkinkan investor untuk melikuidasi atau membeli tokenize kepemilikan real estat di platform melalui mata uang kripto dan fiat. Equity Exchange akan dapat menambahkan basis intrinsik berdasarkan kinerja dan permintaan masing-masing kepemilikan secara individual.

Dana Ekuitas
(Triwulan IV 2018 ICO, Reg.A + Penawaran)

Target Dana Ekuitas 7% + pembayaran imbal hasil tahunan dari pendapatan operasional aset setiap tiga bulan. Pertumbuhan Dana Ekuitas akan berasal dari aktivitas permodalan atau pembenahan aset yang memungkinkan pemegang token untuk menghasilkan imbal hasil tambahan. Equity Fund akan melakukan trading di Equity Exchange dan platform pertukaran kripto pihak ketiga dengan likuiditas penuh.

Equitybase ICO
BASE: EquitybaseERC20 Token
Pra-penjualan token BASE yang capped akan dimulai pada 02/08/2017 sampai 02/21/2018 dengan tingkat diskonto 40%, penjualan token BASE akan dilakukan melalui kontrak cerdas dan diaudit sepenuhnya oleh Coinfabrik untuk menjamin keamanan Proses ICO Hasil Penawaran ICO 80% dari dana tersebut akan digunakan untuk akuisisi aset (Equity Fund) dan 20% untuk pengembangan dan operasi produk.
ICO Umum BASE Token akan dimulai pada tanggal 02/28/2018 dan berakhir pada tanggal 05/22/2018 dengan diskon awal 30%, tingkat diskonto akan lebih rendah dengan kenaikan 5% setiap minggu selama durasi penjualan ICO. Kami memperkirakan Token BASE yang diperoleh selama proses ICO akan diabaikan secara substansial terhadap nilai perdagangan pada bursa umum. Kontribusi minimum selama ICO publik akan berada di 0,001 ETH. Tingkat transfer ditetapkan sebesar $ 0,28 / Per BASE Token.

Equitybase Roadmap

3Q / 2017 Formasi Formasi Pembentukan
Badan Formasi
Tim. Langkah pertama dalam pengembangan arsitektur platform equitybase.

4Q / 2017 Pengembangan Dana
Seed Round: $ 300.000
Memulai pengembangan platform

1Q / 2018 Crowdsale
Private Pre-Sale
Public ICO
Demo versi platform merilis
pengembangan front-end dan back-end, pengujian API

Peluncuran Platform 2Q / 2018Dividen
Beta Release of Equity Invest platform
Daftar bursa Token BASE
Agregasi likuiditas dengan banyak pertukaran kripto kardiak yang terbentuk

3Q / 2018 Pengembangan Akuisisi Pengguna
Peluncuran Aplikasi Mobile
Kemitraan dan Akuisisi Pengguna
Rating Kredit dan Transisi Pelaporan Penuh

4Q / 2018 Perluasan
Membangun Kantor Wilayah di London, Shanghai
Memperluas penawaran untuk hedge fund dan dana ekuitas swasta Dana
Konversi mata uang ICO Direct FIAT



Welcome to Spade, a blockchain-based platform capable of providing unfamiliar general oddities to develop and run distributed casino applications. Spades are designed to fit the goals of all actors comprising the online casino landscape and thus represent a new kind of digital institution, distributed intermediary.
The spark that ignited this project and continues to inspire us now, is that the early blocks and Bitcoin casinos did not do it right. The Blockchain community is younger and wilder, the ideals of freely distributed freedom … still, early adopters who adopted blockchain technology for gambling promoted the wrong ideals; which damage the image of a decentralized casino. Instead of promoting transparency and cost efficiency that characterize blockchain technology, they promote anonymity and cyber anarchy. Instead of making a casino for everyone, they keep it for themselves.
It does not mean we are here to judge. Instead, we are here to change. We are not saying that the old way is bad, but it can be proven that the new one is better. We believe in a decentralized future and appreciate the charm of gambling.
We soon realized that there was only a fragile glass wall between centralized gambling and a future casino in the future. Here it is, a simple but captivating idea. The future is here: we can run a zero-edge decentralized casino with nearly zero transaction costs and a good random amount to feed entropy into a variety of Smart-Contract open source casino applications that can be developed by anyone who has a decent idea with using special programming languages ​​and general purpose languages. “We can” is the silent voice of the idea. Now the marching echoes of “we do”.
As is often the case, technological advances make a big leap forward unknown to most types of people: people are still choosing narrow and narrow-minded online casinos that create a cruel and unfair home edge. Again, no one is entitled to judge: it’s just an existential business need, produced by a dilapidated business model and an inch of greed.
Worse than this, however, is that even the enlightened ones, those chosen to witness the dawn of the distributed world have seen the appropriateness between the distributed consensus protocol and the gambling application, have synthesized it and … nothing. Some of these projects got bad news for alleged money laundering, some has destroyed the beauty of the idea to run an online casino is centralized and only allow deposits cryptococcal, others get a moment of their fame during the TGA, but today only a few can remember even the name of this project course Of course, there are some notable exceptions to this rule, but while locally successful all these projects fail to create awareness. None of them have broadcast the important message: “There is no glass wall,  the future of gambling now,  we are better in every aspect of quantitative:  If measurable is not enough, we also have strong ideas about a distributed future, while those trapped in the past only has some unauthorized poker servers and protocols “.
We will do what has never been done before. Spade is a blockchain-based platform for developing distributed gambling applications. As a platform for gambling applications with self-esteem, we are equipped with a protocol for generating unbiased biodiversity. As a team with some aspirations, we can prove it fairly and truly decentralized. We feel it is important to realize the spirit of the business we live in: if blockchain is the source of universal and undeniable truth then it must also be a broadcast channel for randomness. We think that one point of failure must be felt by anyone just as a relic of the past.
This feature, while putting aside most starkly, is only part of what should be offered in terms of technology piles. In the following, we will dive deeper into the revolution we are all part of and will explain in detail
the best  iGaming protocol  ever in the world.

An overview of industry

In the European Union, the online gambling industry grew by almost 19% from the first half of 2015 to the first half of 2016. The casino industry in particular generated revenues of US $ 2 billion during this period. It is
expected that by 2020 this amount will reach US $ 2.25 billion per year representing revenue growth of around 12.5% ​​[1]. In the US for the period 2015 through 2016 online casino revenue increased 24.4% and is expected
to reach US $ 4 billion by 2020 [2]. The EU and the United States are just a small part of the casino industry worldwide. Globally, online casino projections show that for the 2017-2025 period the market will grow about 130% to reach US $ 97 billion with a cumulative annual growth rate of almost 11%. Currently more than 6 million adults formally participate in worldwide gambling activities with projected up to 10 million by 2020 [3].
From the beginning, blockchain technology was the attention of gambling enthusiasts. The latest news from The Merkle [4] shows how popular Bitcoin online bet is. Overall, the bet charged on Bitcoin’s online casino in February 2017 has reached almost 3 Bitcoin per minute. Bitcoin’s price at the end of February was around US $ 1,200 while it now stands at US $ 5,900 (about 292%), which means that at this time it is almost worth 715 million dollars from Bitcoin already marketed in February alone.

Token Utility

Software license
Accessing the application universe requires only a mark of ownership of our SPX system
Game chips
Levels within the Sp8de ecosystem are only done using SPX. With SPX, you participate in protocol success.
SPX is used to reward developers at the protocol level.

An overview of industry

In the European Union, the online gambling industry grew by almost 19% from the first half of 2015 to the first half of 2016. The casino industry in particular generated revenues of US $ 2 billion during this period. It is
expected that by 2020 this amount will reach US $ 2.25 billion per year representing revenue growth of around 12.5% ​​[1]. In the US for the period 2015 through 2016 online casino revenue increased 24.4% and is expected
to reach US $ 4 billion by 2020 [2]. The EU and the United States are just a small part of the casino industry worldwide. Globally, online casino projections show that for the 2017-2025 period the market will grow about 130% to reach US $ 97 billion with a cumulative annual growth rate of almost 11%. Currently more than 6 million adults formally participate in worldwide gambling activities with projected up to 10 million by 2020 [3].
From the beginning, blockchain technology was the attention of gambling enthusiasts. The latest news from The Merkle [4] shows how popular Bitcoin online bet is. Overall, the bet charged on Bitcoin’s online casino in February 2017 has reached almost 3 Bitcoin per minute. Bitcoin’s price at the end of February was around US $ 1,200 while it now stands at US $ 5,900 (about 292%), which means that at this time it is almost worth 715 million dollars from Bitcoin already marketed in February alone.

Game Search Engine
Spade is a platform for developing decentralized applications for casinos.
Inspired to create
Spade is a decentralized market for frictionless games and no barriers to entry.
White Noises Powered Fair
The voting mechanism is implemented at the protocol level: application ratings reflect true consensus of stakeholders and do not change.
From a legal point of view
Spade is designed to fully meet all necessary requirements.
In Figure 1, we show how an investment of US $ 1 will grow from 2010 to 2017 if invested into the online gambling industry giant1 [5] compared to the same dollar invested in Bitcoin. Despite the
fact that the investment in this BTC will earn US $ 70,502 compared to just $ US7.37 when invested in the index, one big observation can be made: the shaded area shows that as Bitcoin blockchain technology becomes more and more. Popular (that’s how Bitcoin prices are rising) traditional online casinos also get steam. However, when we look further at Figure 2 (Google Trends search for “Bitcoin Casino” and “Online Casinos”), we see that the popularity of online casinos has been relatively stable and has slowly declined since 2004. It’s only since the beginning of 2016 when bitcoin casinos start gaining widespread popularity so online casinos saw little increase in interest. In addition, the search for “Bitcoin Casino” has
skyrocketed since May 2017 when it exceeded the search term “Casino Online”. Furthermore, we know of at least ten relatively well-based blockchain casino projects that have entered the industry
through successful TGE and are still being developed. Although somewhat broad, this overview shows an important pattern that has much relevance for the future of the gambling industry.
Today, online casinos appear to be only affected by the growing interest in Bitcoin gambling and blockchain-based casinos that at this time seem at least complement traditional online gambling.
However, this happens at a staggering pace and the tendency suggests the possibility of blockchain-based gambling taking over online casinos. If the speed of progress of the current blockchain industry continues, there will be no more benefits for consumers in more traditional online casinos.

 1. To establish this index, we created the same 888 Holdings portfolio,, GVC Holdings, Ladbrokes Coral Group and MGM Resorts (although Bitcoin is traded over the weekend and on holiday we only consider doing day trading).

 2. When replacing “Online Casino” with “Gambling Online” the results are similar. Also replacing “Casino Bitcoin” with “Blockchain Casino” did not change our results significantly. Search results “Ethereum Casino” is also similar to the search “Blockchain Casino”. However, we should consider that it is possible that people searching for this keyword are not looking for a real blockchain-based casino, but they want to fight for Crypto Disorders like Bitcoin.

Blockchain and Casino

Here we illustrate a protocol for a decentralized blockchain platform for developing casino applications with some unique features that lack implementation in existing projects currently in this space. The concept of decentralized consensus located in the heart of blockchain is based on the application of cryptography and intelligent game theory. Combined, they create a trust economy and have  great
potential  to revolutionize many of the classical industries.
The backbone of this blockchain technology makes it a clear candidate for consideration in developing online gambling applications because, arguably, the consideration of trust and the need for transparency – and always
– two major pillars of the gambling industry [6], [7], [8], [ 9]. In particular, blockchain has the potential to provide transparency to all transactions, drastically reduce the edges of houses, virtually eliminating  transaction
costs  , ensuring anonymity of participants and ultimately, creating trust among players and other industry players.This fast-paced technology pitch offers great potential for improvements in online gambling space; however, it also brings in many new pitfalls that are hardly (at least) researched and poorly understood. To understand the benefits of blockchain, one needs to study much more in the casino economy (an institutional point of view). Appreciating the challenge requires an overview of the blockchain technology mechanism.
So why apply blockchain to attraction of online gambling to ordinary people?

Gambling Economics: Institutional Perspective

While driven throughout its long history with complex economic and sociological changes, the gambling industry has dramatically changed the competitive and institutional landscape – on the supply side, it has slightly changed from the perspective of someone who wants to try one’s luck. Indeed, it is still the same series of games that dominate the casino landscape, still an opportunity to define one’s beliefs and this is still a classic transaction cost that disrupts the process, due to the fact that the world we live in is not frictionless
Thus we can see the casino from an institutional economic perspective, an economic branch that studies the institutional impact on the behavior of economic actors.
One of the major roles played by financial institutions, in modern economies, is to save transaction costs, thus facilitating financial transactions that should not be feasible. They also serve as an escrow, a well-known trusted third party, which facilitates trust among participants so that they can exchange information more efficiently than it should be.
In this description, casinos act as “gambling” intermediaries realizing economies of scale, maintaining regularity and quality of service, thus facilitating “conditional” transactions – bets.
Let’s imagine the evolution of the gambling industry as a way toward reducing transaction costs in which innovative industrial entrants try to take a whole piece of the pie from the old players by bringing closer gambling to the ideals of friction.
In this vein, the classic casino reduces security and search costs, facilitates standardization using chips and has house rules and, most importantly, realizes economies of scale by bringing together people united by
a shared  desire  to gamble. Following this line of reasoning, online casinos while performing the same function as their classic counterparts and brick bricks, also facilitate the convenience and cost savings of travel on the player’s side. The main reason for their existence, however, comes from their lighter cost structure which is marked by virtually zero marginal cost to add new clients. This means a much lower overhead cost, resulting in smaller home edges and, therefore, smaller average bets and a larger average net profit on the client side [11], [12].
The emergence of cryptocurrency casinos emerged as a result of their anonymity and also the absence of regulatory oversight. Like many other applications of blockchain technology in the early days, the  main
consideration  behind casino settings in blockchain is idealistic, impractical, or overtly shady. However, anonymity and the laissez-faire regime are not the features that best fit our thinking: indeed, decentralized infrastructure does not imply server maintenance costs: the protocol is autonomous; the stakes are fair: the protocol code is public; How it works is printed into a
ledger that  does not change  forever and can always be verified by anyone.
As a rule, once something new offers a better way to solve old problems, there is always a catch
Decentralization 3.0
Basic Sp8de, Cardano is the first Proof-Of-Stake protocol without sacrificing security.
Scalability and efficiency
Tens of thousands of transactions per second: no user experience limitations.
Smart Sp8de contract
The Smart-Contracts scripting language, designed specifically for this

Each token sold has a specific factor associated with it, the jackpot factor. The likelihood of winning is far outweighed by this factor.
Of course, the jackpot factor is ordered: even in one sales round, the previous cost is rewarded with a “stronger” token. The distribution of these factors for each round is shown in the table above.

Token distribution
There are 8,888,888,888 SPX tokens ever delivered. Initially, during ICO, SPX will be released on the Ethereal block chain as an ERC20 token. More detailed information can be found in ICO SPX technical documents and descriptions. Token sales are arranged in 9 stages: one pre-sale sale and four token sales, followed by jackpot rotation.
As shown above, the price of one SPX coin increases with each round of sales. The number of tokens sold and purchased increases each subsequent round, except for presale sales. Each jackpot is played back among all existing token holders.
Early participation allows you to participate in more jackpot rounds. For example, participation in Pre-Sale and first sale gives access to all four jackpots. Nonetheless, participation in, say, a third sale will only give access to Jackpots three and four.
Before taking part in this event, make sure you understand the ICO Spade process mechanism. Do not just rely on graphics and do not forget to understand the meaning of all its components and especially the special segment of the jackpot. Spade Mechanics

What is Spade? is a new generation of blockchain-based gaming platform aimed at all contemporary casino ecosystem participants. We call this “new generation” because Spade meets all the above mentioned requirements of  the ‘right’  blockchain casino  . We built Spade on a blockchain called Cardano [24]. The Cardano project itself is a monumental piece of work that embraces the best practices and the furthest innovation to the point of crypto and puts it into one state of the art system. It is being developed and maintained by a large team consisting of PhD in the field of programming and cryptography, and experienced engineers.Here we illustrate how Spade provides an environment for the design of gambling applications that is characterized by: • Near-none transaction costs and Proof-of-Stake-powered scalability that are beyond the reach of other on-chain casino protocols that exist today; Mechanisms for decentralized decentralization at random at arbitrary time ranges; Provides smart Smart Smart functionality that enables creativity in game designs that are completely constrained by developer fantasy (and demand for the resulting product of course);
Justice of results is very important for gambling; that’s the pointSpade uses Cardano to design his ecosystem and thereby solve problems typically associated with the on-chain casino described above. Here’s how:

  1. Transaction costs and scalability: transaction cost sizes are usually a function of the degree to which the scale of a particular distributed system is. Scalability can be defined as the relationship between the system resources and the number of nodes. Scalable systems gain efficiency when new nodes join the network:
    BitTorrent and IOTA protocols are two important examples. The evidence-based blockchain system does not fit the construction: indeed, maintaining a general ledger implies every node that has a full copy of this ledger. Without this condition, security – the most important property of such a system – is compromised. Therefore, there is no advantage in efficiency when a new node joins the network. Ouroboros is the Proof-of-Stake protocol, which means that at any given time, trusted node nodes maintain system integrity. This protocol is shown in an experimental setting to withstand some attacks that are known to interfere with other systems and are directly relevant to the gambling protocol.
  2. Generation of random numbers: finally, Ouroboros, the POS protocol underlying Cardano blockchain in its work is entirely dependent on generating an unbiased entropy (ie, evenly distributed). The beauty of the idea is that the blockchain itself acts as a broadcast channel: uniform randomness is generated on-chip! For us, this is an important point, so let’s explain it further.
The POS system relies heavily on the ability to produce good quality randomness “to inject pure entropy into the system”. Without it, the integrity of the protocol can be disrupted. This starts from the fact that if there is a way to manipulate the selection process of the selected agent to validate the next block, the enemy can be biased in the selection process. This is the root of the notorious “Nothing-at-Stake” problem and denies the whole concept of a POS-based distributed consensus protocol. Regardless of the number of random numbers that can be proven, another prerequisite for a reasonable POS protocol is that these numbers are actually sent to everyone who participates in the protocol. In other words, the delivery of uniform randomness should be guaranteed at the protocol level. Therefore, to be a valid concept, especially from a formal academic point of view, Ouroboros must have mechanisms for generating and broadcasting “good” randomness. Furthermore, to be scalable, the generation and verification processes must be inexpensive computationally.
Ouroboros solves this problem by embracing two well-known protocols of distributed consensus: the adoption of a verifiable commer- cial module of commitment and division of secrets. Combining these two results miracles: it creates a protocol for creating unbiased, general exposure in the arrangement of distributed hostilities with the delivery of goods that are assured. In layman’s terms, this means Ouroboros:
a. Produce a proven random number;
b. Guarantee everyone will get it. Do not change
We will touch the randomness topic again in the deep-dive technique below. In addition to providing elegant solutions to the existential problems of on-chain casino protocols, Cardano offers a rich toolbox for solving some less important issues:
3. Scripting language tailored to flexibility and financial applications: those with experience with the Bitcoin script language know how draconian and inflexible, those who spend thousands of hours grind Soliditas (the etereum script language), know how quickly it can happen. too
complicated  Rigidity limits the number of applications; complexity limits the set of actors capable of working with language and introduces greater scope for unwanted errors and unconscious bugs. To create a truly universal platform where those with brilliant ideas can compete for their part in a whole cake, a simpler language is required, simplicity will not sacrifice the scope of the application. Plutus is a general-purpose Smart Contract language developed by IOHK and implemented in Cardano.
The core idea is that all types of financial transactions can be decomposed to be simpler. Therefore, all diverse complex financial instruments consist of a much smaller set of basic elements that create the overall transactional logic. Cardano is designed by code issues and is set to follow best practices; its scripting language is tailored for financial applications: security and execution can be “very well understood”.
With a certain level of abstraction, one can observe a strong alignment between financial derivatives and most gambling applications: in essence this is only a contract between one or more parties where the results are conditioned, in part, on the realization of random variables. This leads us to conclude that Plutus is the best of the kind suitable for writing casino applications.
Cardano is measurable, safe, and complex yet elegant. The main takeaway is designing successful POS protocols requiring the same problem solving that inhibits the creation of profitable chain casinos. With Cardano as the backbone, Spade is set to be the best of its kind.
Our claim does not require you to blindly trust us: all the results we rely on are proven by academic rigor and accessible to anyone in the growing academic library run by the IOHK foundation.
Our competitors can attract the attention of people who claim that their protocols are unique, efficient and practical tough to manipulate. Believing this implies having confidence in their team: all existing projects run well in process or completed, but are centered. All the results we rely on are determined by mathematical precision and academic formalism by those who develop cryptography as a science is a profession, and the state of the art code is a daily tool.

For more please contact below. 1.  Official site   2.  Bitcointalk   3.  Reddit   4.  https : //  Twitter   5. VK   6.  Facebook   7. com / channel / UC68xGMGDA_mo – 3ZqQu5ZdgYoutube   8.

Author: Tedyz